Posted by: MadamJuneEnglish | February 22, 2010

Week 13-5th Announcement

Tamhidi Inter Class Musical Drama Competition

Date:  24th February 2010, Wednesday

Time:  4:15 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Classes that have tutorials/lectures, please consult me today/tomorrow to arrange your performance time

(it will be before/after your tutorials/lectures are finished)

Presentation of Journal & Summary of Journal

Mode:  Group Presentation in Power Point

Assessment:  Individual

Duration:  20 minutes per group (4-5 minutes per student)

Members: 4-5 students in a group

Presentation Material:  Any newsjournal (minimum 600 words) from newsmagazine that is approved by the class teacher

Presentation Guideline:

1.  All group members should have equal share in presentation to ensure fair marks.

2.  Please follow the speech notes in constructing the power point slides

3.  Present your understanding of the contents not read it out.  Use all the speech skills in presenting.

4.  Email the power point slides immediately after the presentation.

5.  Class rep, please make the necessary arrangement for the booking of venue/equipment.

Summary:  maximum 150 words, double spacing—-submit on presentation day

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